Dear independent dance and performance makers from the region,

Thank you for contributing your content to the Dance Calendar.
When completing the form, please keep in mind that it can take up to 1 week before the event is published.

Should you want to make any changes after you hit the send button, just write to us:

Enter as many dates as you like.
With the Repeat option, you can automatically create appointments over a certain period of time. Enter the date, start time and end time. From this day on, an appointment is created for each week. Maximum of your selected number of weeks. You can create one or more appointments automatically.
2 Weeks
DateTime BeginTime End of Event Schedule multiple events
General Information
Contact Details

contact details are not published

Event Details

Maximum Filesize 3MB — only: jpg, png, gif

Should you have problems uploading the pictures, please send them per email to

Please provide a description of the event image in German and English.