on the topic of programming and curation

Limited to 30 participants

talk and Discussion, networking

FRI 14.03.2025
2:00pm — 6:00pm


What are the visions and concrete needs of dance? And how can we work together to shape them in the future? These are the questions that drive ID_Tanzhaus. The Zukunftslabor is its dedicated think tank, providing a space for the independent dance scene in Frankfurt and the region to actively contribute to the development of the ID_Tanzhaus and engage in discussions on urgent topics. Held regularly, the Zukunftslabor is professionally moderated, ensuring a structured and focused exchange. All participants receive an expense allowance (€25 per hour, totaling €100 for the full session). The outcomes are documented and made available to interested parties. The Zukunftslabor is primarily aimed at independent dance professionals from Frankfurt and the region, as well as members of ID_Frankfurt. For this edition, there will also be spots available for independent dance professionals from other regions across Germany to encourage an exchange of experiences and perspectives on a national level.

Event link


Neatly arranged on a black dance floor are papers, index cards, books, a laptop, a black face mask, and writing tools, suggesting a research session.

ID_Tanzhaus is organizing a Zukunftslabor (future lab) on the topic of programming and curation. How should the program of an independent dance house be designed? What criteria should guide the selection of programs and artists? And what strategies can help to recognize and counteract personal bias? Together with participants from the independent dance scene, ID_Tanzhaus will delve into these questions, fostering critical reflection on curatorial practices. In the past, ID_Tanzhaus developed an anonymized application and selection process for its residency program. However, for festivals such as Frankfurt tanzt, Frankfurter Tanzsommer, Night of Dance at Sommerwerft, and the Studio Round, artistic programming decisions were made directly. TanzNetzDresden has also engaged with different approaches to curation and programming. At the beginning of the event, a colleague from Dresden will provide a short input based on their experiences.

This event is part of the Tanzallianzen, a nationwide initiative and a collaboration between ten Tanzbüros/Tanznetzwerke from ten federal states: Fachstelle Tanz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, ID_Tanzhaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main, K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg, nrw landesbüro tanz, Tanzbüro Berlin, Tanzbüro München, Tanzinitiative Brandenburg, TANZKOOP Niedersachsen with LAFT Niedersachsen, Tanznetz Dresden, and TanzSzene Baden-Württemberg e. V.. Following the kick-off event Tanz Macht Berlin at the Akademie der Künste on February 1, 2025, the ten partners will host local satellite formats between March and September 2025 to develop structures and strategies tailored to their respective dance communities. Insights from these regional exchanges will be brought together through cross-network discussions and a final digital event in late September, with a focus on future-oriented outcomes.

Tanzallianzen is funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with support from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The project partners receive co-financing from their respective municipalities and states.