with Fabrice Mazliah

Sprache: Englisch


TUE 16.11.2021


For his class Fabrice proposes to utilise some of the principals of movement research and improvisation he developed over the years and together with William Forsythe, adapting those tools for anyone who is interested to move not requiring any special pre training or skills but curious to discover new types coordination and physicality. Fabrice Mazliah is a choreographer and dancer based in Frankfurt where he collaborated for over 20 years with the choreographer William Forsythe. He is currently directing the Werkstatt space with Katja Chareneva.


Werkstatt offers a weekly movement hour - a class that is open to anyone that is interested in engaging with movement through their body. The class is taught by different dance makers from the scene of Frankfurt. + The class is for free + 16th, 23rd and 30th of November at 6-7 PM + Happening in our studio in Danzig am Platz in Frankfurt: Ostparkstraße 11, 3rd floor. + 2G rule, registration necessary. 

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