Max Levy Choreographic Works and saasfee*pavillon invites you to Sleepdancing II: The Open Palm, a dance installation designed to bring you to rest and comfort. Bring your favorite blanket and come relax!
FRI 02.12.2022
7:30pm — 11:30pm
saasfee*pavillon (Bleichstrasse 66 HH, 60313 Frankfurt am Main)
The durational installation begins each night from 19:30. You are welcome to arrive and leave at any time, and to move freely around the space. The duration of your stay is up to you. At 23:30 the installation will transition into a sleepover phase, where each registered participant can spend the night as part of the installation. Capacity is limited. Register here: A breakfast is served the morning after.
Ticket needed
Sleepdancing II © Celia Bétourné
Sleepdancing II: The Open Palm is the second part of the Sleepdancing performance series, a collaboration between Max Levy Choreographic Works and the duo Cosa Mentale, specialized in digital art. It offers a novel approach to guided sleep. Sleepdancing combines dance and digital animation in a special way, allowing this interplay to become a form of guided meditation to accompany the audience into deep relaxation or even gently into sleep. While the first installment Sleepdancing I: Are e Luar as a film brought dance into the privacy of the bedroom, blurring the lines between reality and the dream world as much as those between dance and film, the second installment The Open Palm takes a different approach. In The Open Palm, the idea of sleep dancing is transferred to a live audience. Sleep is to be understood as a collective act, and the performance is to facilitate a shared coming to rest. In the unique installation space of the saasfee*pavilion, The Open Palm not only builds on the unique aesthetics of the original, but expands the concept into an atmospheric experience where performer:inside, motion capture and music create a unique environment of relaxation over several hours, culminating in the audience spending the night in the pavilion.
Concept, Direction: Max Levy / Choreography: Max Levy in cooperation with the performers / Production and Artistic Assistance: Patscharaporn Distakul / Performers: Stella Covi, Noemi De Rosa, Jerneja Fekonja / Digital Artwork: Cosa Mentale / Composition: Max Levy / Photography: Meilyn Kennedy, Celia Betourne, Jubal Battisti / Videography: Jubal Battisti / Technical Direction: Sebastian Schackert / Production Management, Communication: Verena Strasser
Sleepdancing II: The Open Palm wird durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz, unterstützt sowie vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst gefördert.
Further dates:
SAT 03.12. | 7:30pm
saasfee*pavillon (Bleichstrasse 66 HH, 60313 Frankfurt am Main)