with Raffaele Irace
The professional training of the Tanzplattform Rhein-Main is aimed at professionally active dance practitioners (dancers, choreographers, dance teachers and dance students).
technique class
MON 30.05.2022
10:00am — 11:30am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
The training room can be used from 09:30 for registration and an independent warm-up. The training starts punctually at 10 am. For students of BATanz, MACoDE and MACuP the participation is free of charge Day ticket: 6 Euro 10er Karte: 35 Euro 06.06.2022 is a public holiday, there is no training
Free Entry
A portrait shot of Raffaele Irace, he smiles
The training is a modern/ contemporary training based on a series of different exercises. The focus of the class is to warm up the dancers and prepare them for their dance work during the week. Each part of the body is gently challenged to reach the level of performance required during the day. I also pay particular attention to the upper part of the body, which is sometimes neglected to make way for the lower part. Still, hip posture and footwork is definitely an issue we work on. We won't be doing floor-work, but at the same time we will focus a lot on finding ways to stabilise on the floor and "under the floor". We will also practice how to connect and dance with another body without touching.
© Jip de Jonge
© Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, a project of Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and Hessisches Staatsballett, is made possible by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts and the Foundation Alliance [Aventis Foundation, BHF BANK Foundation, Crespo Foundation, Hans Erich and Marie Elfriede Dotter Foundation, Dr. Marschner Foundation, Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main].
Further dates:
TUE 31.05. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
WED 01.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
THU 02.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
FRI 03.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
TUE 07.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
WED 08.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
THU 09.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3
FRI 10.06. | 10:00am
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - Probebühne 3