"Fancy Tricks 1:“ Breaks, Paddles, Coinflips und Folds
Cool tricks and moves from the categories: breaks, paddles, coinflips and folds are the focus here.
SAT 22.01.2022
1:45pm — 3:30pm
Frankfurt am Main
The workshop leader Keiko Schmitt is a freelance artist, dancer and teacher for dance, hula hoop and circus artistry in Frankfurt. The workshop will take place at Antagon in Frankfurt-Fechenheim, Orber Str. 57. It is 3G+, so with quick test (please show negative result) for all. Pre-registration is required at Cost per workshop: 23 € plus 2 € rental fee for a hoop, if needed (please specify when registering).

We'll start with a Hoop Yoga warm up and a creative dance improvisation, then dive into the world of colorful hoop tricks. There will be step by step instructions on how to learn the moves and room for your questions.
Spread the Hoop love. <3