Inspired by Mozart's tragicomic opera "Don Giovanni", Nadia Beugré tells of seduction away from the Eurocentric view.


FRI 04.11.2022
7:30pm — 8:30pm

Staatstheater Darmstadt - Großes Haus

Warm-up for audience on Friday, 4.11. at 7 p.m.

Event link

Ticket needed

After the success of the piece Atem, Nadia Beugré continues her collaboration with the Staatstheater Darmstadt. Inspired by motifs from Mozart's tragicomic opera "Don Giovanni", the Ivorian-French choreographer develops a very personal view of the relationship "between two" (French: "Entre deux"): People meet, are attracted to each other, experience something together, separate or are separated. Through the poetic power of the body, Beugré and a virtuoso ensemble of dancers tell of seduction - without Don Giovanni - beyond the Eurocentric view, of their own experiences and stories of passion, physical and emotional touching and of pain, desire and power.

Choreography, artistic direction: Nadia Beugré Performance: Lebau Boumpoutou, Nestor Kouame, Lucy May, Mirjam Motzke, Tauwindsida Adonis Nebié, Kossia Tamia, Lydia Grâce Tano, Rachel Nevado Ramos, Lou Irié, Lydie Bethina Tomini, Seibany Salif Traoré Music: Mozart Executive Production: Libr'Arts / Virginie Dupray

A production by Staatstheater Darmstadt and Libr'Arts, supported by the Hessian State Ballet.

Further dates:

  • SUN 06.11. | 9:00pm

    Staatstheater Darmstadt - Großes Haus