Choreographer Núria Guiu invites you to immerse yourself in the movement universe of TikTok and experiment with its transmission into the analogue theatre space. No previous experience necessary.
TUE 01.11.2022
6:30pm — 9:00pm
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm - Saal
For dance enthusiasts and digital fans (10-60 years) In English language
Ticket neededChoreographer and dancer Núria Guiu brings the world of TikTok to the stage in her new piece Cyberexorcism. The moves and movement mechanisms that are trapped in the flat world of two-dimensionality on the screen gain volume and new dimensions in the theatre space. The choreographer developed the piece with a group of TikTokers from Barcelona, where she lives. In a workshop that precedes the Frankfurt performances of Cyberexorcism, she invites people of different ages (between 10 and 60) and backgrounds to explore the transfer from digital to analogue, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, from the net to the stage. All participants need to bring is the fun of dancing, playing and sharing. During the workshop, Núria will briefly introduce her approach to cyberexorcism and share different methods so that participants can experiment with them and become part of the creative process. Participants of the workshop are invited (if they are interested) to take part in a part of the performance that will take place at Frankfurt LAB on 3 and 4 November 2022.
The workshop is supported by the Director General of Books and Reading Promotion (Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport) and by a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), a state agency, as part of SPAIN - Sparkling Creativity. Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022. In cooperation with Gallus Theater.