Portrait of an Artist
With "Anthology", the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company presents a selection of works by Jacopo Godani that reveal his role in the further development of contemporary ballet.
THU 01.12.2022
7:30pm — 9:00pm
Schauspiel Frankfurt
Choreography: Jacopo Godani Stage/Costume/Light: Jacopo Godani Music: 48nord, a.o.
Ticket needed
Foto: Dominik Mentzos
The internationally renowned choreographer Jacopo Godani presents an exemplary selection of his works with his Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company. The company's repertoire shows a new, pulsating language of movement in which virtuosity and expression are equally important. For the dancers, this is a great challenge that takes them to their physical limits every time. Anthologie shows Godani's role in the further development of contemporary ballet. His choreographic style is characterised by his use of pointe dancing and his experimental approach. This production marks the debut of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company on the big stage of Schauspiel Frankfurt.
Choreografie: Jacopo Godani Bühne/Kostüm/Licht: Jacopo Godani Musik: 48nord, u.a
Further dates:
FRI 02.12. | 7:30pm
Schauspiel Frankfurt
SAT 03.12. | 7:30pm
Schauspiel Frankfurt
SUN 04.12. | 4:00pm
Schauspiel Frankfurt