Aerobics is considered the mother of all workouts. As a choreographer with a penchant for dance-historical hardships, Paula Rosolen stages the fitness movement as an epochal dance piece.
SUN 06.11.2022
7:00pm — 7:55pm
Staatstheater Darmstadt - Kammerspiele
Small Talk after the performance on Sunday, 6.11
Warm-up for audience on Monday, 7.11 at 6:30 p.m.
Ticket needed
Aerobics is considered the mother of all work-outs. Less well known, however, are the beginnings of disco drills, which can be traced back to training methods used by the U.S. Air Force. As a choreographer with a penchant for dance-historical hardships, Paula Rosolen already staged the fitness movement in the context of growing efficiency and productivity as an epochal dance piece in 2014. To this day, the piece has lost none of its analytical acuity. In the new production of her "classic", Rosolen and six dancers search for parallels between the fitness cult of the 1980s and the dramaturgical twists and turns of romantic story ballets, between Jane Fonda's formations and the choreographic processes of choreographic icons such as Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker or Lucinda Childs. In the process, the Frankfurt choreographer virtuously blends highly rhythmic formations, exuberant solos and duo scenes and creates a special attention for the strictly changing rhythms that disco drill aerobics brings to the floor with tripping and jumping feet.
Concept, choreography: Paula Rosolen Dancers: Katrina Bastian, Gaetano Montecasino, Magdalena Negowska, Kyoko Oku, Kyle Patrick, Steph Quinci, Shay Saver Lighting design, technical direction: Tanja Rühl Costume design: Juan M. Morales, Anika Alischewski, Takako Senda Artistic advisor: Juan M. Morales Dramaturgical advice: Anna Wagner / Marcus Droß Choreographic assistance: Christopher Matthews Research assistance: David Morrow Technical assistance: Lea Schneidermann Trainers: Berchy da Silva, Henrik Goehle Production: Jana Lüthje (M.i.C.A. - Movement in Contemporary Art) and Haptic Hide
Eine Produktion von Paula Rosolen/Haptic Hide und M.i.C.A in Koproduktion mit dem Théâtre de la Ville Paris, dem Musée de la Danse/Centre chorégraphique national von Rennes und der Bretagne, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und SOPHIENSÆLE. Gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds, den FondsTransfabrik – Deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste, das Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main und das Hessische Ministerium für Kunst und Medien. Für Aerobics! Paula Rosolen erhielt den ersten Preis beim internationalen Wettbewerb "Danse Élargie", der vom Théâtre de la Ville, Paris, und dem Musée de la danse in Rennes veranstaltet wurde. Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.
Further dates:
MON 07.11. | 7:00pm
Staatstheater Darmstadt - Kammerspiele