dancing in circles
SO 15.01.2023
14:00 — 15:30 Uhr
STUDIERENDENHAUS / OFFENES HAUS DER KULTUREN, FESTSAAL Mertonstraße 26, Campus Bockenheim, Frankfurt am Main, Festsaal, first floor

*Text nur auf Englisch verfügbar*
local dancing invites you to dance local dances for pleasure, accompanied by live keyboard music in Offenbach, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. Using queer transmission and speculative instant tradition as methods, we imagine popular group dances that may have travelled through time and became non-binary and unpaired. Detached from a national narrative, the dances pretend to be local wherever they are. They are all proposals of how to come together in dancing, and how the repetition and routine of a circular choreography can hold us.
Um sich zu registrieren senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: local-dancing@posteo.de
Concept: Clara Reiner Choreography and practice: Jacob Bussmann, Frédéric De Carlo, René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Clara Reiner Music: Jacob Bussmann Production: Clara Reiner Graphics: Zuzana Zabkova
Supported by IMPLANTIEREN 2022/23, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main and Kulturamt der Stadt Offenbach am Main. Supported by the residence program in the frame of ID_Tanzhauses Frankfurt Rhein-Main, a project by ID_Frankfurt – Independent Dance and Performance e.V. and Stadtteilbüro Nordend Offenbach.
Weitere Termine:
SO 22.01. | 15:00
STUDIERENDENHAUS / OFFENES HAUS DER KULTUREN, FESTSAAL Mertonstraße 26, Campus Bockenheim, Frankfurt am Main, Festsaal, first floor
SO 05.02. | 15:00
STUDIERENDENHAUS / OFFENES HAUS DER KULTUREN, FESTSAAL Mertonstraße 26, Campus Bockenheim, Frankfurt am Main, Festsaal, first floor